
And They Called It Yellow Love (‘Escape From Plan A‘ Ep. 93)

Diana, Ray, Jong, and Chris talk about why every other minority group is happy to celebrate same-race relationships except yellow Asians.

5 years ago

Latest Podcast Celebrity, Adoption, and Power — ft. Yasmin Nair ('Escape From Plan A' Ep. 261)
by Plan A Editors

Note: This was originally released as a bonus episode for our Patreon subscribers. It has now been unlocked for public release!

Are people, Asian or otherwise, afraid of Yellow Love? Why does it seem that every other minority group is happy to celebrate same-race relationships except yellow Asians? Diana, Ray, Jong, and Chris talk about celebrating and politicizing Yellow Love and share some of their own personal stories on the matter.

Twitter: Ray (@raydeng),

Related Episodes:

Ep. 98: Modern [Yellow] Love, Pt. 1 ft. John “Baiceps” Bai

Ep. 75: Analyzing NPR Invisibilia’s Podcast On Racial Attraction

Ep. 13: Guys, Do We Take Asian Women For Granted?

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Published 5 years ago

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