
Eileen Gu As The Anti-Chloe Kim ('Escape From Plan A' Ep. 249)

Chris and Teen talk about The Cut's horniness for Huge Ma, of TurboVax fame, the ridiculous Sery Kim situation in Texas & why some people's brains have been broken over hapa athletes like Eileen Gu and Nina Schultz choosing to represent China over America & Canada, respectively.

4 years ago

Latest Podcast Celebrity, Adoption, and Power — ft. Yasmin Nair ('Escape From Plan A' Ep. 261)
by Plan A Editors

Chris and Teen talk about The Cut's horniness for Huge Ma aka NYC's vaccine daddy (of TurboVax) fame, the ridiculous Sery Kim situation in Texas, and why some people's brains have been broken over hapa athletes like Eileen Gu and Nina Schultz choosing to represent China over America and Canada, respectively.

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Published 4 years ago

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