
Kim’s Inconvenience — Asian Emotional Labor (‘Escape From Plan A’ Ep. 56)

Chris, Jess, Jong, and Diana talk about all the things that Asians do and don't do in order to fulfill our racial roles in Western society.

6 years ago

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by Plan A Editors

The term “emotional labor” may get thrown around too easily these days, but if you conceptualize Asians’ social role as providers of racial guilt-relief in the West, then what are all the things we do (or more importantly, don’t do) in service of playing that role? From having to assume leadership roles in families because of parents’ language barriers to having to shut up about constant racialized experiences, all these things take a toll if not spoken about. Chris, Jess, Jong, and Diana open up about their experiences in order to remedy that silence.


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Published 6 years ago

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