
Sanity Check 2021—ft. Amanda and Gina ('Escape From Plan A' Ep. 257)

Jess hosts this special episode featuring two recurring guests Amanda & Gina, to talk about the balance between being socially responsible in a frightening & anxious time vs preserving mental health, China as geopolitical & social football & much more.

3 years ago

Latest Podcast Celebrity, Adoption, and Power — ft. Yasmin Nair ('Escape From Plan A' Ep. 261)
by Plan A Editors

Jess hosts this very special episode featuring two recurring guests Amanda and Gina, two veterans of social media, to talk about the balance between being socially responsible in a frightening and anxious time vs preserving mental health, China as geopolitical and social football, and the very real stress and isolation that comes from peeks beyond the narrative matrix. The question that remains is do people in general, and Asian Americans specifically, even have a choice anymore to engage with politics head on or not? We argue that self preservationist denialism is a dangerous dead end, and while the costs of going against the narrative are real they also yield real returns.

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Previous episode with Amanda:
Ep #152: Blaming Coronavirus on Confucius

Previous episode with Gina:
Ep #198: Rooftop Koreans are Not Your Daddy

Twitter: Gina (@dotorii_muk), Amanda (@catcontentonly),

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Published 3 years ago

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