
Shit White Women Do (‘Escape From Plan A‘ Ep. 95)

Diana, Chris, Mark, and Jess talk about shitty white women and what Asian women, especially when Asian men are involved as well.

5 years ago

Latest Podcast Celebrity, Adoption, and Power — ft. Yasmin Nair ('Escape From Plan A' Ep. 261)
by Plan A Editors

Note: This was originally released as a bonus episode for our Patreon subscribers. It has now been unlocked for public release!

Recently, Diana had a run-in with a couple of white women who banded against her in an argument about whether dogs were allowed in their neighborhood park. Diana, Chris, Mark, and Jess veer off from the intended topic of neighborhood racism to talk about shitty white women and what Asian women think about them, especially when Asian men are in the mix as well. Can women of color trust men of color to NOT cape for white women?


Related Episodes:

Ep. 102: ‘Ramy’ and Gender Tensions in POC Stories — ft. Isha Patnaik, Doug Kim, and Dan Chen

Ep. 61: Gender Controversies in ‘Subtle Asian Traits’

Ep. 13: Guys, Do We Take Asian Women For Granted?

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Published 5 years ago

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