
America's Next Top Model Minority, Pt. 1—Trevor Beaulieu ('Escape From Plan A' Ep. 245)

Our good friend Trevor Beaulieu from Champagne Sharks joins Teen & Chris to talk about some of the ways that black & Asian Americans, at least online, seem to be swapping places in who's clamoring for things like media representation...

4 years ago

Latest Podcast Celebrity, Adoption, and Power — ft. Yasmin Nair ('Escape From Plan A' Ep. 261)
by Plan A Editors

Our good friend Trevor Beaulieu from Champagne Sharks joins Teen and Chris to talk about some of the ways that black and Asian Americans, at least online, seem to be swapping places in who's clamoring for things like media representation and is preoccupied with assimilation, and who's trying to move away from that. Part 2 of this episode will be released as a bonus episode later this week for our Patreon subscribers. Furthermore, we recorded a whole new follow-up episode that will be released on the Champagne Sharks podcast, so check that episode out there.

Note: This episode was recorded before the Atlanta Asian spa murders, so that is why any talk of that horrific event is not mentioned in this episode.

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Twitter: Trevor (@rickyrawls; @champagnesharks),


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Published 4 years ago

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