
Beyond Stinky Lunch Stories — Ft. John ('Escape From Plan A' Ep. 228)

John, Michelle, Arnav and Diana daydrink and talk about Asian cooking, restaurants, and food racism beyond crying about our stinky lunches. American attitudes about Asian cuisines reveal more about deep-seated ideological and infrastructural issues in the US than about Asian countries or people.

4 years ago

Latest Podcast Celebrity, Adoption, and Power — ft. Yasmin Nair ('Escape From Plan A' Ep. 261)
by Plan A Editors

John, Michelle, Arnav and Diana daydrink and talk about Asian cooking, restaurants, and food racism beyond crying about our stinky lunches. American attitudes about Asian cuisines reveal more about deep-seated ideological and infrastructural issues in the US than about Asian countries or people.

This is Part 1 of the 4-hour holiday episode. In Part 2, available on the Plan A Magazine Patreon, we talk about more food stuff, and John gets very, very drunk.

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The Only Guide You Need to Eat and Eat Well (Pandemic Edition), by John Lee

Alison Roman and the NYT's Treatment of Asians and Asian Cuisine, by Kim Hew-Low

Lucky Charms Rebrands As "Authentic Asian Cereal," by Diana Lu

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Published 4 years ago

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